5 Reasons your business needs a blog
You’re a website owner, influencer, marketer, or another type of professional. Whatever it is, the goal is to attract specific groups of individuals to your website.
While a beautiful website and flawless text can help convert leads, it won’t help you attract them. You’ll need a strategy for getting your brand in front of your target market.
You can do this in various methods, from paid commercials to social media blitzes. Content marketing, on the other hand, is a very effective and cost-efficient strategy. Or, to be more precise, blogging.
Blogging is a tool that you may use to direct more traffic to your website. It’s no surprise, then, that it’s one of the three main types of media employed in content strategies, along with video and eBooks.
But, how effective is blogging, and is it worth the time and effort to start and maintain one? It is up to you to decide.
The following are five reasons why It’s Crucial to Have a Business Blog
The pandemic’s influence on businesses and people generally is tough to ignore. If there’s one thing we learned, it’s how important it is to have access to the internet (and reliable shipping services).
For many people, the internet became their primary source of shopping, entertainment, and communication last year. As a result, website owners who worked hard to establish their online presence are more likely to see increased traffic and conversions.
It’s not too late to build your website’s presence if you didn’t take the opportunity in 2020. Blogging is an excellent way to accomplish this. Let’s look at five advantages of blogging.
#1 Stand Out in a Sea of Websites
With 1.8 billion sites and 500 million blogs, and the internet is an ocean of information. It means there will be more competition for the top spot on Google’s first page. The only way to increase the chances of your website getting found is to improve your search engine optimization (SEO) approach. Content marketing is one approach to accomplish this. For instance, you are establishing a keyword-optimized business blog to direct your audience to your material. According to one survey, businesses with blogs receive 55 percent more visitors (now that’s a splash).
#2 Increase the amount of high-value traffic
Perhaps you’re already getting a lot of traffic from sponsored ads and other marketing methods. However, traffic is a vanity metric. What if the rest of your measurements aren’t in sync?
Assume your bounce rate is high and your conversions are poor. It could be a sign of low-quality traffic. To remedy this, start blogging with your intended audience in mind. Start writing about issues that interest them. Also, use the keywords they type into Google.
For example, 71% of B2B consumers consume blog content during their buying process. They want to learn more about their situation and the solutions that are available to them.
It is a fantastic opportunity to increase traffic to your website (and convert them into customers) by generating useful material that answers their inquiries, addresses their concerns, and even demonstrates how your product or service might assist them.
#3. Increase the number of leads generated (With More Blog Posts)
If you’re trying to offer a product or service, you should concentrate on getting the correct kind of traffic. You can choose themes (and keywords) that connect to customers based on where they are in their journey with a company blog.
A person at the outset of the customer journey, for example, is looking for information. As a result, you’d make postings based on the most frequently asked questions. Then
there are those in the middle of the funnel who are aware of their problem but require assistance in determining the best solution. You can concentrate on content at this point, such as case studies that demonstrate how your product or service assisted another customer. How-to articles also attract those looking for solutions (whether DIY or from a pro). Make sure there’s a call to action at the bottom with a link to your product or service website where people can buy it. The objective is to demonstrate (rather than tell) why your product or service is the best option.
#4. Increase Revenue and Sales
Your traffic and lead generation will likely improve if you build a company blog, optimize it, and focus on relevant, high-quality material. You’ll see an increase in sales and revenue due to this.
A blog embedded on your website can increase sales by 6%. And when you blog more, this number doubles to 12%.
#6. Take Control of Your Platform
You can publish information online through various social media, forums, and sites like Medium. While they can help your site get visibility and traffic, there is one major drawback: you don’t own the platform, so you don’t own your material.
No one can take your work and republish it elsewhere, but if the site or page goes down, your stuff goes with it. You have no control over this, which is why having your platform is critical, and this is what a company blog on your website provides: complete control over the exposure of your postings.
Best Practices for Blogging
Starting a blog and providing the material isn’t enough to guarantee its success. You should use particular approaches and best practices to increase your chances of generating exceptional results.
For example, according to a poll by Orbit Media Studios, certain bloggers achieve higher results when using specific approaches. It entails writing pieces with at least 2,000 words, seven or more photographs, and video material.
Here are some more great practices for your marketing plan that you may investigate and test:
- Look for keywords that have the correct user intent. Some terms are exploratory, while others indicate a desire to buy.
- To better attract specific groups, choose a specialization for your site.
- To get people’s attention, write headlines that are worth clicking on (but no click-bait).
- Include meta descriptions to inform search engines about the topic of your post.
- Consistently and regularly post stuff (at least once per week).
- Make sure your material is relevant to your target audience.
- Include internal links to assist users in finding additional relevant content and lengthen page stay time.
- At the end of each blog article, include a call to action (CTA) (.i.e, sign up, buy now, schedule a call, etc.).
- To increase interaction, include other media in your blog entries (pictures, infographics, charts, graphs, videos, podcasts/audio).
- Use H2s, H3s, bullet/number lists, and short words and paragraphs to make each post easy to skim.
The above is not a comprehensive list of recommended practices, but it will help you appreciate the advantages of blogging.
Create a blog to help you expand your online presence.
It makes no difference if you’re a company or an influencer. Hosting a blog is an excellent strategy to increase the number of visitors to your website. You’ll also discover many other advantages to blogging that can help you achieve your professional and personal objectives.
However, you may not be a great writer and have no experience with blogging. That’s fine; you can always hire a freelancer or two to complete the task. We have a team of designers who can develop your blog and writers who can fill it with amazing content at Zionike.
If you’re ready to start blogging, get in touch with us right away!